Zarbtech: Your Partner in Cyber Security

Written by Zarbtech

Written by Zarbtech

10 October 2023
Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 "Be cyber wise - don't compromise"

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Every October, we're reminded of the critical importance of staying secure online. This year, the theme is 'Be cyber wise – don’t compromise'. At Zarbtech, we're committed to helping you achieve just that.

Be Cyber Wise - Don't Compromise

To significantly boost your cyber security, consider these four simple steps:

  1. Update your devices regularly: Regular updates are your first line of defence against cyber threats.

  2. Turn on multi-factor authentication: An extra layer of security that ensures only authorized users gain access.

  3. Back up your important files: Don't let data loss compromise your operations.

  4. Use passphrases and password managers: Strong, unique passwords are your digital fortress.

Empowering You Against Growing Threats

Cyber threats are on the rise. In the latest Annual Threat Report, the Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD's ACSC) found that cybercrimes were reported every 7 minutes during the 2021-22 financial year, marking a 13% increase from the previous year.

Your Cyber Security Journey Starts Here

We've compiled a range of resources to guide you through doing even more than these simple steps to become cyber wise and safeguard your devices and accounts:

Watch the Cyber Security Awareness Month Video

For a visual guide on how to implement these steps, watch the ACSC Cyber Security Awareness Month video

Together, we can make Australia the most secure place to connect online. Stay cyber wise, stay secure!

Empower Your Business With the Right IT Support

We’ll look after you. For reliable and affordable IT services, get in touch with the team at Zarbtech today by calling
1300 049 059 or leaving your details here.

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