Backup and Recovery

Keep your data safe with Zarbtech’s secure backup and recovery service. If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that disaster can strike at any moment.

Natural and man-made disasters can have a devastating impact on your business, but by having a backup and recovery plan, you can minimise loss and downtime.

We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare for it.

Disaster Recovery

A serious disaster could sharply halt your progress or wipe it entirely, a true nightmare for any business owner, and smaller businesses in particular.

We provide disaster recovery for your servers so that in the event of a catastrophe you can minimise downtime and bounce back more quickly.

Planning your business’s response and recovery from catastrophic events could save you time, resources, and revenue, if not your business as a whole, in the future.

A tailored recovery plan helps you build the right infrastructure framework to get you back to business as usual as quickly as possible.

Ongoing Security

We are committed to keeping your data secure, we offer cloud services to house your data and monitor and maintain your cloud environment.

As a managed service provider, we manage, monitor and maintain these backups for you so that you can focus on running your business knowing your backups are being handled by experts using industry best practices.

We also help you to reduce the risk of a security breach by training your staff to accurately identify threats and avoid phishing attempts with best practice online use.

Protect Your Data

Cybersecurity is only becoming more of a concern. As technology rapidly evolves, so too do the viruses, scams and malicious attacks, and there’s no sign of it slowing down any time soon.

The risk is not only to your business data but also concerns the sensitive information of your clients, staff and stakeholders.

A breach could cause utter havoc, not only to your operation, but also to your productivity, reputation, and revenue.

If you added up the realistic costs of a successful security breach, we’re certain it would far exceed the price you would pay to prevent it.

Feel confident in your company’s ability to prevent and bounce back from disaster, get a tailored backup and recovery plan with Zarbtech today.

Keep your business
running smoothly

Find out how we can support your data recovery and prevent major issues associated with data loss. Call Zarbtech on 1300 049 059 or fill out the contact form and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

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